The process of transforming the sphere of local government in our province requires all of us to pull together in one direction.
As the department, we have put together this Local Government Toolkit as a resource that will guide those entrusted with power in our municipalities in what is expected of them on the ground.
The Toolkit sets out all the key pieces of legislation that govern the sphere of local government. It also outlines practical ways to assist individual municipalities by listing ready-made templates for municipal by-laws and policies.
It is our hope that the sum of these parts will make tangible progress towards the stabilisation of our local government institutions as they continue to face all manner of challenges.
Through this Toolkit any public representative who takes office will have access, either through a hard copy or online, to a wealth of knowledge and information on the legal as well as practical framework upon which the sphere of local government is built.
By making this tool widely available to our local government practitioners, we hope to contribute meaningfully to making sure that our municipalities are more responsive to the needs of their respective communities.
S.E. Hlomuka
KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
Some of the documents included in this toolkit require regular updating. Cogta KZN will endeavour to update this toolkit on a regular basis but cannot be held liable for erroneous advice arising out of the use of an outdated document contained in this toolkit. It remains the responsibility of the user to ensure that any document used for reference, is the latest version of that particular document and that it is approved by the relevant authority. Some of the documents are generic and do not supersede documents approved by the relevant authorities. The Consolidated Local Government Toolkit is of a generic nature and has been provided solely on the basis that municipalities will be responsible for making their own assessment of it, having regard to their own circumstances, needs and requirements and those of their Council. Accordingly, the use of the information and data contained in this Consolidated Local Government Toolkit is at the municipality’s sole risk. Neither the Department, nor their employees and contractors, assume any legal liability, in any form or manner, for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process disclosed herein.
Volume 1
2.1Toolkit (Roles and Resp) AMENDED
2.2 Good Governance (Delegations)
2.3 Rules and Orders Toolkit REVISED
2.5 Good Governance (Oversight AMENDED)
2.6_ Participation of traditional leaders _ regulations – 24-10-19 – 2
2.7. _ AmaKhosi Protocol – Section 81 adopted 25 Oct 2018 -2
Volume 3
2.1 Table of Content
6. 1 Municipal Property Rates Policy
6.3 Generic bid documents municipal valuers
6.5 Cost Containment Checklist
6.6 Indigent management framework
6.7 draft credit control and debt collection bylaw
6.8 Audit committee assessment tool
6.9 Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Strategy
6.10 ICT Best Practice guideline
7.1 Public Participation – Ward Committee Establishment 08Nov
Volume 5
1.1 Toolkit Front Cover
2.1 Table Of Content
9.1 Idp Framework Guide And Idp Assessment Criteria.290120
9.2 Idp Framework And Process Plan Guidelines
9.3 Idp Input (3). Ward Based Plans Guidelines Template
9.4 District Development Model
11.1 District Development Agencies
Volume 2
1.1 Toolkit Front Cover
2.1 Table of Content
3.1 Performance Management System PMS 3.2 Toolkit Final 4 Nov 2019
3.2 Generic Employment Contract Of Senior Manager amended GJR greveling_2
3.3 Generic Performance Agreements PMB Toolkit Annexure 1
3.4 Local Government Disciplinary Regulations for Senior Managers 2010_1
3.5 Purpose Upper Limits for Cllrs Annual Notice 17 Oct 2019
3.7 S & T Policy for Officials & Cllrs 30 October 2019
3.10 Policy on Workplace Gender-based violence
3.11 Recruitment of Senior Manager Process
4.1 Municipal Intergovernmental Relations Framework
4.2 Generic Memorandum Of Understanding between organs of state
Volume 4
2.1 Content Page
8.1.2 Cemetery, Crematoria and Undertakers By-Law
8.1.3 child care facilities bylaw
8.1.4 Disaster Management By-law
8.1.6 Fire Fighting Services By-laws
8.1.8 Municipal Premises and Facilities By-law, 2018
8.1.9 Municipal Property Rates By-law
8.1.10 Nuisances and Behaviour in Public Places By-law
8.1.13 Property Encroachment By-laws, 2018