
MEC delivers electricity for Nquthu community

Tears flowed in Magogo Village in Nquthu as Gogo Thobekile Mkhize 84, switched on electricity for the first time in her home in the presence of KZN MECs for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs – Nomusa Dube-Ncube and Agriculture and Rural Development – Themba Mthembu.

The Mkhize household is one of many that have benefited from the R8.6-million electrification project in their ward which will now see 350 households accessing electricity for the first time.

Speaking to over 2000 community members gathered at the Magogo Sports Grounds, MEC Dube-Ncube urged the community to utilise electricity wisely and ensure that this vital infrastructure is protected and not vandalised because it benefits everyone.

The two MECs also officially opened the newly renovated Embokodo Embomvu Traditional Council under Inkosi ND Ncube. They then proceeded to hand over a deep tank and fencing for grazing land to be utilised by livestock farmers within the community.

The handover of these projects, MEC Mthembu believes, will go a long way to ensuring that rural communities are able to make a living knowing that their livestock is protected and they no longer have to incur costs as grazing land will be closer for their animals.

For more information contact: KZN Cogta spokespersons Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220
