
MEC Zikalala calls on Newcastle Speaker to investigate racist remarks attributed to DA Councillor

The Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Department is concerned with media reports that attribute racist remarks to a Newcastle councillor. 

The department calls upon the Speaker of the Municipality to investigate these distressing allegations. 

Councillors are public representatives and should work towards creating social cohesion within their communities. 

Saying someone should not have been elected to a ward committee because of their skin color is distasteful and unfitting of a public representative. 

The sphere of local government is at the coal face of service delivery and therefore needs leaders who have empathy and a willingness to work with all people irrespective of race, culture, and creed. 

The Speaker of the municipality is duty-bound to investigate these alleged utterances by the councillor to see if they are in breach of the council’s code of conduct. 

The department also wishes to warn councillors about the seriousness of the oath they took when they were sworn in.

As a department we will continue to hold councillors to the highest standards. 

Issued by MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Sihle Zikalala.
