On Thursday, the 3rd of November 2022, the Department through the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Disaster Management Centre (PDMC) under the leadership of the Chief Director Mr Sibongiseni Ngema convened the Coastal UGU Cluster Disaster Risk Management Workshop as part of the build-up events to the Provincial Disaster Management Summit.
The first workshop of a series of workshops
follows a special virtual dialogue which
was held on the 29th of September 2022
to reflect on the recent flood disasters that
affected the province and lessons learnt
to prepare for the future. The workshop
was held at Uvongo Community Hall
in the Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality
under the UGU District.
The workshop was attended by Amakhosi,
Mayors, Deputy Mayors, Councillors,
Provincial Government officials, Officials
from Harry Gwala, ILembe, UGU District
Municipalities, eThekwini Metro and
various stakeholders, including the South
African Weather Services (SAWS).
The aim of these workshops is for the
District Municipalities and stakeholders
to deliberate on the status of Disaster
Management, Fire and Rescue Services
Actions and proposals for improvement
The impact-based severe weather warning
systems were presented by Mr W Dlamini
from SAWS and the Climate Change
Adaption and Response were presented
by Mr T Gambu from the Department of
Economic Development, Tourism and
Environmental Affairs (EDTEA).
In his address, Chief Director Ngema
reflected on the major incidents of the
April Flood Disasters and the lessons
learnt thereof. “We do acknowledge that
there is a lot of work to be done, working
together with municipal and traditional
“We encourage that there should
be emergency call centres and
the community should be made aware of how
they should utilise the centres. We have
taken notes of all your inputs and we are
prepared to strengthen all partnerships
going forward,” said Ngema.