The challenges faced by the Ugu district are well documented from Cogta’s own engagements with this municipality and considerable resources have been deployed to assist the municipality with its delivery of basic services to communities.
Specifically, a Ministerial Task Team was established in December 2020 to coordinate these efforts. Based on the KZN Provincial Water Master Plan also compiled last year, the Ugu district has – with the support of the technical expert deployed by Cogta – prepared a Water and Sanitation Recovery Plan for the district which is already being implemented.
The department has also invested significant resources into the District to deal with water challenges. R17 million was released last year to the Municipality as part of an accelerated water intervention. This money was allocated in the following manner;
- R2.7 million: uMzimkhulu River salt water containment berm which will prevent the water supply from being contaminated with sea water.
- R14 million: Upgrade of the uMtanvuna Raw Water Pump station electricity supply.
- R1.3 Million: Emalangeni Water Supply Project.
These projects are in progress right now and are aimed at stabilising the water supply within this district. We understand the frustration of local communities and appeal for their patience while these matters are being addressed by the council.
The department continues to keep a keen eye on the District and the challenges that it faces.