

The provision of water-born sewerage is now a reality for thousands of residents of Osizweni township in Newcastle. This follows the investment by the department of Cogta of R20 million which was used by the Newcastle Local Municipality to build 260 ablution facilities that use water-borne sewerage. 


This morning the Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC, Sipho Hlomuka together with the Mayor of the Newcastle Local Municipality Cllr Mahlaba officially launched the project which has brought dignity to the residents of Osizweni.


During this visit, MEC Hlomuka visited the Buthelezi households, which is one of the beneficiaries of the programme, where he engaged the family on the impact the improved sanitation facilities have brought to the family. The matriarch of the family 67-year-old, Ophar Buthelezi, hailed the project as a breakthrough for the family since in previous years, they have had to deal with using unsafe ablution facilities. 


As part of his visit to Newcastle, MEC Hlomuka also visited the eMadadeni Wastewater treatment works, which is being upgraded to the tune of R69 million to improve the capacity of the plant.


According to MEC Hlomuka, these projects which are funded by Cogta, have created hundreds of jobs opportunities and have been a catalyst for skills transfer within the communities of Osizweni and eMadadeni. 


Speaking during the site visit at the Wastewater treatment plant, Mayor Mahlaba hailed the investment that the department of Cogta continues to make into Municipalities such as Newcastle to improve water and sanitation infrastructure. 


According to Mayor Mahlaba, the expansion of the treatment plant will see the capacity of the plant doubled, which paves the way for future developments in the townships of Osizweni and eMadadeni.

