

The MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has warned the Council of the Nquthu Local Municipality of consequences that will follow should they fail to address governance and council functionality issues that have seen service delivery almost grind to a halt in this municipality.

Hlomuka’s visit follows the failure by the Council to resolve a number of issues which include:

  • the election of Councillor I.L Shabalala as the Mayor, following the resignation of Councillor S.M Kunene. While the department has made several attempts to advise the Speaker, Councillor M.E Mnguni to remedy the situation to no avail.
  • The failure by the municipality to comply with the requirements of the Municipal Systems Act related to the development and approval of the IDP and Budget Process Plan which was to be adopted on or before the 31st of August 2020.
  • The failure by the municipality to investigate Unauthorized, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful expenditure.
  • The dysfunctionality of Municipal Public Accounts Committee.

The municipality has also since 2017, been embroiled in a bitter legal dispute with the Department over the appointment of three senior managers, namely the Municipal Manager, the Chief Financial Officer and the Director Planning and Development. The municipality had challenged the Department’s decision right up to the Constitutional Court, where the municipality’s application failed.

These failures threaten the ability of the municipality to render services to residents.

MEC Hlomuka has warned Councillors that his department will not allow this municipality to descend into a state of chaos and jeopardise the provision of service delivery to communities of this deeply rural municipality.

In his meeting with the Council, MEC Hlomuka has requested the Councillors to put their act together by addressing issues that have been identified by the department so that governance issues can be improved within the municipality to the benefit of residents.