

The KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government has congratulated the newly elected office bearers at the Msunduzi Local Municipality following their election this afternoon during a special council sitting at the Pietermaritzburg Town Hall.

Today the Msunduzi Municipal Council elected; Cllr Mzimkhulu Thebolla as Mayor, Cllr Manilal Inderjit as Deputy Mayor, Cllr Eunice Majola-Zondi as the Speaker and Cllr Vusi Ntshangase as the Chief Whip.

The Provincial Government appreciated the vibrancy and the cordial spirit with which the councillors conducted themselves which ensured a democratic and peaceful installation of the new EXCO.

Delivering a message of support to the council, KZN Premier Sihle Zikalala, read the riot act challenging the councillors to fashion a new development trajectory for the people of uMsunduzi.

“The time for negative headlines in this municipality must come to an end.  As you ascend to these positions of responsibility you must create a prosperous city where no child goes to bed hungry, all potholes are fixed, refuse is collected, the neighbourhood is cleaned and the citizens are proud of their municipality”.

Zikalala committed the provincial government in providing hands-on support to the incoming EXCO and council.  He urged councillors to work together in the implementation of the turnaround plan as developed by the administrator of the Municipality.

”We expect only the best from this council.  It is time to reclaim the glory days of this important municipality,” said Zikalala.

The Provincial Government placed the uMsunduzi Municipality under administration earlier this year following numerous challenges that were threatening to destabilise this important council.

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC Sipho Hlomuka has vowed to strengthen the capacity of Msunduzi to manage its own affairs exercise their powers and perform their functions and implored the councillors to hit the ground running and attend to all the immediate concerns of the community

“The office bearers elected today have been entrusted with are a very important mandate and we look forward to working with them in taking our communities forward. We expect that the new leadership will hit the ground running and restore the confidence of the people back to this municipality through quality service,” said Hlomuka.