
Youth encouraged to focus on innovation

“Having an employer mentality will get you ahead in life. You have to see yourself as someone that will be employing people one day” these were words of encouragement uttered by MEC Dube-Ncube to over 2000 youth that had attended the Career Expo at the Exhibition Centre in Durban on 24 May.

Youth from all walks of life attended this Expo that offered information on the many opportunities that are available for them.

Dube-Ncube in her address called for the youth to explore a number of technological innovations aimed at changing the way of doing business be it on tourism, transport, health, hospitality, media and other sectors of the economy. She encouraged them to think outside the box when choosing careers, emphasised the need for employers vs employees, highlighted career paths that are still in demand in this Country and discouraged the traditional way of choosing a career based on popularity or for the sake of just studying something.

“The fourth industrial revolution is here and you have to equip yourselves so that you take advantage of opportunities that it offers” concluded Dube-Ncube.
