KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) has today in Durban signed two important agreements with private sector partners – Key Dimensions Risk Solutions to improve the risk management capacity of municipalities and FNB to support aspiring young entrepreneurs in their efforts to contribute to job creation.
“Cogta is already partnering with Key Dimensions Risk Solutions in building capacity in municipalities to identify, assess and manage risks that may threaten achievement of the municipal objectives. Our next partnership project with them is about assessing municipal risks from the provincial perspective,” said KZN MEC for Cogta Nomusa Dube-Ncube.
The newly signed partnership with Key Dimensions Risk Solutions at a total sponsorship value of R681 737 covers two capacity building areas, namely facilitating workshops for risk managers who are municipal officials and facilitating risk management awareness workshops for elected councillors at KZN municipalities.
The agreement signed today was with FNB which is already supporting Cogta’s Youth Enterprise Parks project which aims to provide spatial opportunities to empower the youth to form enterprises that could constitute 25% to 50% ownership and control by the young men and women who establish these enterprises.
“Our pilot project here is the Business Incubator Programme in Msunduzi whose goal is to create strong entrepreneurs who will in turn create sustainable jobs for the economy. The project further aims to leave a legacy and to assist partners with the creation of a database of reliable and effective entrepreneurs,” said Dube-Ncube.
FNB has committed to investing R3,543,950 in 2018 which will be allocated to training 100 young entrepreneurs in KZN. Mentorship and guidance will be provided by the FNB to help young entrepreneurs start or scale their business operations. The department will be responsible for choosing suitable entrepreneurs for this programme.
For more information contact: KZN Cogta spokesperson Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403